Saturday, January 23, 2010


               I was just watching Equilibrium. It was quite interesting. Christian Bale(Batman) is acting. It's concept was the most interesting. A world where all emotions are suppressed by a drug;Proziac so that there will be no hate or rage and therefore no war.

              A group of elite soldiers maintain order by killing anyone who abstain from their daily dose or those found with emotion stimulating objects such as paintings,books,movies etc. They are known as Clerics. Christian Bale plays Preston, one of the best Clerics who one day, avoids taking his dosage.

            They tried to make the storyline too complicated so it resulted in it sounding a bit silly at the end when the bad guy(The Father) tells Preston he planned everything.But the action isn't bad.Cool gun fighting moves, even if it is a bit unbelievable.

             One part of the movie that caught my attention, is the part where Preston returns home and his son(training to be a cleric) is sitting in front of this enormous TV screen watching the Father, talking about Proziac and basically extolling the virtues of not feeling and being identical to everyone else and all that. The image is such a typicality of Brainwashing. I am sure this scene has been used in many movies to represent brainwashing. 'Small boy in front of big screen listening to face talking about something'. If it had been a small screen it wouldn't have had that effect.

            I think Christian Bale did a good job in this movie. Most of the acting here is facial motions and body language, unlike most movies. Just a simple slide of eyes to the back of someones head tells you that person is not feeling as he should be. Tells you to watch him carefully.

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